How to Generate a Backyard Pond
Ponds add value when making an aesthetically pleasing gathering place for your friends and family. Water features attract birds and other wildlife, creating a setting to sit back and observe. Installing your own pond allows you to have complete control over the design, dimensions, materials and place. The process is rather labor intensive and also a few steps require exactness to ensure that the pond is level and leak-free, but the final result will offer many hours of enjoyment.
Decide on a place on your pond in full sunlight which is not under trees that are big. This will promote healthy growth of plants and decrease debris. Call your neighborhood utility companies and inform them of your grinding before beginning your project; wait to come to your house, find and mark power cables, telephone lines, water pipes or sewage lines and transparent you.
Remove all plants in the pond website. Rake the ground to eliminate stones, twigs, leaves or debris. Discard the removed material in a trash bin or put it onto a pile.
Lay a garden hose positioning it in the shape of the pond. Till it marks the outline of the pond adjust the hose as needed. Spray the ground just outside of the home with spray paint to mark the perimeter. Remove.
Excavate the area inside the spray painted line with a shovel to a depth of 18 to 24 inches. Remove any stones. Gently the base of the pit. Place a plank on the base of the hole. Set in addition to the plank. Whilst watching the level check to ensure that the bottom of the hole is level by sliding the plank over soil.
Dig a 10-inch-deep from hole in the middle base of the pit. This hole is going to be the place of the pump. Level the base of the hole.
Pour of dirt around the bigger hole’s border. Smooth the dirt ridge so it slopes gradually downward away from your pond to ensure that rain falling outside of the pond will drain away from it instead of into it. Tamp the soil down firmly to fasten it in position. Lay the plank. Place the level on the plank and check to ensure the sides are in height. Insert or eliminate dirt if needed to correct the height of these edges.
Spread a 1-inch coating of sand in the base of the two holes with a rake. Tamp the sand down firmly. Examine the sand surface together with the plank and level to ensure it is even.
Cover the sand with a layer of paper to add extra cushioning. Line the sides of the hole with paper.
Lay a rubber liner that’s wider and 5 feet longer than the pond hole on the ground. Fold the liner in half lengthwise. Place the liner down one side of the pit, positioning its folded edge down the hole center. Unfold the pond liner bringing half up and over the half of the pit. Take off your shoes and step down from the pit. Walk around in the hole, pushing the liner in position with your feet until it is full contact with the ground.
Place landscape stone in the base of the hole. If wanted, pile numerous layers of stone up across the sides of the pond. Place a ring of stone around the edge of the pond, covering the edges of the liner.
Place a stone in the middle of the smaller hole. Place the pond pump. Stretch air hose and the pump’s cord across up one of those sides and then the base of the pond. Leave enough slack in either the hose and cable so they lay round the pond’s base. Position the nozzle so that the top is above the water level and also rests among stones on the side of the pond. Flex the hose’s end so that it points down toward the water. Cover with additional landscape stone to hold them and hide them. Don’t block the end of the hose.
Fill the pond with water from a garden hose. Once the water level is 2 to 3 inches below the surface of the hole stop the stream of water. Insert a bucketful of water in a river or canal to incorporate valuable microorganisms .